WCW Clash of the Champions XXVIII

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WWF Paul Bearer’s Hits From the Crypt

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AEW Dynasty 2024

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WWF Wrestlemania VI

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WWF Wrestlemania V

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AEW Revolution 2024

AEW Revolution 2024
Greensboro, NC
Greensboro Coliseum
March 3

After a subpar finish to 2023, AEW stormed out of the gate in 2024 with two months of red hot TV and excitement. All of the focus shifted to building Revolution, and it was easily the best build they’ve done for a major event, with every match and rivalry fully established in the weeks leading up to the show. The biggest attraction was of course Sting’s last match, and what better site than the classic NWA/WCW hotbed of Greensboro, in the legendary Greensboro Coliseum.

Sting’s time in AEW has been a treasure and I’ve been a huge fan. He’s been used so effectively as the ass-kicking legend, still competing at a high level and pulling off all kinds of crazy moves and taking huge bumps. I remember how fucking exciting it was when he debuted during the lockdown at the end of 2020. After his poor run in WWE, Sting rehabbed his legendary image, and really, it makes far more sense for an outlaw like him to go out on top in a company other than WWE. He was the one major star that never left WCW right up until its dying days, and him in WWE just never felt right. Sting was never in an AEW World Title match or even in the main event picture, and that’s just fine. He was used exactly where he needed to be, and I’ll argue all day that his partnership with Darby was a perfect pairing. This is the Sting that should have come back at StarrCade 97. This is the Sting that should have kicked the NWO’s ass and won it all for WCW. This is the Sting that should have dominated the WCW World Title picture in the late 90s.

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WWF In Your House – Beware of Dog

WWF In Your House – Beware of Dog
Florence, SC
Civic Center
May 26, 1996

Oh boy… one of the WWF’s most notorious PPV trainwrecks and an event that we endlessly mocked at the time. From its ridiculous name to goofy main event feud, everything about this show made us laugh so much, and watching it again immediately took me right back to the spring of 1996. It’s a companion show to Good Friends Better Enemies, with the feuds and matches already being set then, but wow does the WWF landscape feel different.

Change was certainly in the air. Only a week before Beware of Dog, the infamous ‘curtain call’ went down at Madison Square Garden and wrestling history was changed forever. I’m always surprised to look back and see how many landmark moments took place during this mostly boring and monotonous year. 1996 completely changed the wrestling business and we didn’t even know it. As an early internet user, I was reading all kinds of crazy rumors, but who really knew what was real and what wasn’t!

As for the show itself, Beware of Dog took place in Florence, South Carolina… whaaaat? Why Florence of all places? The WWF never ran PPVs in the Southeastern US prior to this, other than Florida and maybe Louisville if that counts, so why the small city of 40k in the middle of South Carolina?! In my few minutes of Google research, I didn’t turn up much. The WWF hardly ran Florence, so I wonder why they chose this city for a PPV location? Feels so incredibly random.

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WWF In Your House – Good Friends… Better Enemies

WWF In Your House – Good Friends… Better Enemies
Omaha, NE
Civic Center
April 28, 1996

Talk about a transitional pay-per-view. There’s so much to discuss after watching the seventh In Your House event. This show, in my opinion, marks the end of the New Generation era and the very beginning of the Attitude era, though it wouldn’t full take shape until much later in the year. And of course just a couple months after this the wrestling world gets turned upside down and things are never the same again.

Watching through these events chronologically, it’s funny how 1995 is infinitely more interesting than 1996, with some truly great hidden gems and laughably terrible wrestlecrap. 1996 has its moments later in the year, but really drags from Wrestlemania to Survivor Series. Back in 96 I watched a number of these shows live with Matt on PPV and the rest scrambled, and would also rent all of these shows when they were released at the video store. But I had such a growing negative opinion of the WWF at that time that it clouded my enjoyment of the shows and it would be years before I re-watched most of these PPVs. Just over 10 years ago I started re-watching through 1996 again and found the events to be overall better than I remembered, but still a slog to get through.

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WWF Prime Time Wrestling Exclusive Matches 1991 Part 3

1) The Dragon pinned Pat Tanaka with the flying bodypress (9/23/91 – Ottawa, Ontario; Civic Center)

Kicking off the third round of these exclusive Prime Time matches is a battle between two… err.. martial arts masters… uh yeah. Dragon was firmly planted in the mid-card and was just getting rolling in “hot” feud with that exciting newcomer Skinner. No wonder the Dragon was gone in a few weeks. Still, it’s fun to speculate on what the Dragon would have done if he stuck around into 1992. Chances are he would have firmly been at the El Matador level, eventually putting over guys like Papa Shango, but there’s also a chance that they may have given the Dragon another IC title run and maybe even a dream feud with Shawn Michaels. It’s certainly fun to imagine the possibilities. A simple win here for the Dragon excites the fans in Ottawa.

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WWF Prime Time Wrestling Exclusive Matches 1991 Part 2

I worked through a second round of these Prime Time exclusive matches and as we get deeper into 1991, the matches become more and more bizarre, which is EXACTLY what I was hoping for! Having grown up only watching Superstars and Challenge, this is a whole new mysterious world to me. Who knew that guys like Greg Valentine and the Barbarian had so many low card feature matches! This stuff perfectly satisfies my love and nostalgia for early 90s WWF.

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